Champions of MLS

MLSs face a threat to their existence that is based on falsehoods.
We must respond.

Join the campaign to inform and shape actions taking place right now that will determine the future of the Multiple Listing Service.


Federal regulators are scrutinizing the industry without a complete picture of MLSs operate.

Experts hired by plaintiffs in class action suits against the industry are driving perceptions based on mischaracterizations of the MLS system.

The lack of countervailing research and thought leadership rooted in the MLS perspective creates a vacuum that imperils the MLS.

Support Champions of MLS so we can:


Mobilize legal and economic experts who can identify and quantify the benefits of the MLSs to consumers.


Proactively engage with regulators to ensure that MLSs have a voice in ongoing discussions and contemplated actions.


Demonstrate the pro-competitive, pro-consumer, pro-fair housing impact MLSs have on the real estate market.

Join industry leaders and help tell the MLS story.